Slot Machines Not Working Swtor

No other segment of the gaming industry has benefited more from the technology revolution than the slot machine. Once considered the ugly stepdaughter placed on the gaming floor to appease the spouses of table players, the slot machine has been transformed into the fairy princess of the gaming world. With her, she has brought a dowry of riches no one would have imagined for the casino and a few lucky players as well. Over twenty years ago the slot machine accounted for 30 percent of the casinos' profits. Today it accounts for about 70 percent. Computer technology and the ability to play with little to no gambling knowledge makes it possible to offer life-changing jackpots big enough to turn a pauper into a king.

However, the fact that it doesn't take much gambling knowledge to play means that most people don't understand the inner working of the slots -- which makes it easy to explain a loss or a win with some false logic. Like any other 'wives tales' these are passed from person to person until they become gospel. Most of these myths and misconceptions are harmless but they can add to your frustration and take away some of the enjoyment of your casino visit. Let’s take a look at a few of the most popular myths and the truth behind them.

Myth #1

Someone hit a jackpot on the machine you just left -- so you would have won that jackpot if you kept playing.
This is probably one of the most common notions about slot machine gambling -- but it's patently false. The slot machines have a computer chip inside that runs the Random Number Generator (RNG). The RNG is continuously cycling through numbers even when the machine is not being played. These numbers correspond to the stops on the wheel that display the winning or losing symbols that you see when the reels stop. When you hit the spin button or pull the handle, the RNG picks the combination at that given microsecond. If you had stayed at the machine, it is highly unlikely that you would have stopped the RNG at the exact nano-second to display that same combination of numbers. In the time it takes to talk with a friend or sip your drink the RNG has cycled through thousands of combinations.

Myth #2

Thank you for the answer. So basically, you just have to spend a very long time clicking on these machines, I guess. Selling the rep items almost makes your money back, so it's not that expensive. I just wonder how much time it would take to get 6 cartel certificates.

You can tell the odds of winning by counting the symbols on each wheel.
Actually, you can't. The RNG generates a number for each spin. There can be hundreds of virtual stops on each wheel even though you only see a few symbols. For example, you may see 20 symbols on each wheel of a three-reel machine. You figure 20 x 20 x 20 = 8,000 combinations and your chance of hitting the jackpot is 1 in 8000. In reality, the computer chip may program 256 stops for each wheel which makes the odds 256 x 256 x 256 =16,777,216 combinations. Being able to generate millions of combinations is the reason that slots can offer large paybacks.

Myth #3

Casinos can loosen or tighten the slot machines with the flip of a switch.
In actuality, the slot machines have a computer chip in them that determines the payback percentage. These are preset at the factory. In order for a casino to change the payback, they would have to change the chip. In most jurisdictions, there is paperwork that has to be filled and submitted to the Casino Control Commission for each machine if the chip is changed. It's time-consuming and the chips are very expensive. For this reason, it is more economical to decide on the payback percentages before purchasing the machines and having the factory ship them with the proper chip.

Myth #4

A machine that has not been paying out is due to hit.
There is no way to determine if a machine is due to hit. Each spin is a random occurrence and has no bearing on what has happened previously. Don't ever play more than you should because of this misconception -- it will be devastating to your bankroll if you do.

Swtor slot machine decoration

Myth #5

The temperature of the coins played will affect the way a machine pays.
Unfortunately, the machine is not affected by temperature. It doesn't matter if you play hot, cold, old or new coins. The coin slot is a mechanical device and has no feeling.

Myth #6

If you use your slot club card the machine will pay back less.
This may well be the most damaging myth of them all. There is no link between the card reader and the RNG, but by not using your player's card you are denying yourself valuable comps and sometimes cash back from the casino.

Achievements are awarded for challenges and accomplishments that a player has completed. Achievements are tied to a player's Legacy and are earned and shared across all characters of a Legacy.

Categories[edit | edit source]

  • Legacy: 3680 Prestige, 80, 6 Legacy Titles
  • Location: 14950 Prestige, 640, 6 Legacy Titles
  • Strongholds: 3305 Prestige,
  • Operations: 7080 Prestige
  • Dailies: 4000 Prestige,
  • Galactic Command: 300 Prestige,
  • Companions: 2955 Prestige, 2 Legacy Titles
  • Flashpoint: 12475 Prestige, 80, 1 Legacy Title
  • Player Vs. Player: 5050 Prestige, 60, 1 Legacy Title
  • Events: 2430 Prestige,
  • Starfighter: 3320 Prestige,
  • Space: 470 Prestige, 40, 2 Legacy Titles
  • Fallen Empire: 3545 Prestige
  • Eternal Throne: 1015 Prestige
  • Uprisings: 3805 Prestige

Rewards[edit | edit source]

Players receive points, called Prestige, for every achievement completed. As of Patch 2.0.0, there are 30,165 points that can be earned. In addition to points, some achievements award titles and Cartel Coins. Achievements that award Cartel Coins will only be awarded once per account, not per Legacy.

Hidden[edit | edit source]

There are several hidden achievements that will not show up on the User Interface until they have been earned.

Nar Shadaa Nightlife

  • Quality Assurance (50pt) - Blow up a Slot Machine during NS Nightlife

Rakghoul Resurgence (175pt):

  • A Rocky Foundation (25pt) - Complete Corellia Quarantine Daily
  • Buried in the Sand (25pt) - Complete Tatooine Quarantine Daily
  • Mobile Contagion (50pt) - Infect 1000 other Players with the Rakghoul Plague
  • Rakghouls, Rakghouls Everywhere (50pt) - Complete a Quarantine Daily on each planet
  • Tunneling Through the Mountains (25pt) - Complete Alderaan Quarantine Daily

Companions (340pt):

  • Nico Okarr
    • Delayed Gratification (10pt) - Recruit Nico Okarr via Mixological Profiling mission
  • Xalek
    • Xalek: Rejected (50pt) - Kill, Imprison, or Reject Xalek during Death Before Dishonor
  • Lokin
    • Eckard Lokin: Rejected (50pt) - Reject Lokin during A Kindly Old Monster
    • Revolution! (0pt) - Deposed the King, forcing him to live a life of ignominy among the peasantry. 1
    • There You Are! (10pt) - Feed Scritchy 10 times in the Alliance Hangar
  • Blizz
    • A Jawa by Any Other Name (5pt) - Correctly guessed the name of each Jawa during Little Boss
    • Much Ado about Some Things (5pt) - Gave each Jawa the correct item during Little Boss
  • Ak'ghal Usar
    • Ak'ghal Usar: Rejected (50pt) - Reject Ak'ghal Usar during Reclaimed Treasure
  • Broonmark
    • Broonmark: Rejected (50pt) - Kill or Reject Broonmark during The Last of His Kind
  • Rusk/Skadge
    • Bonds of Duty (10pt) - Strike a deal between Rusk and Skadge during Bonds of Duty
    • Rusk: Betrayed (50pt) - Betray Rusk during Bonds of Duty
    • Skadge: Defeated (50pt) - Kill Skadge during Bonds of Duty


  • No Mercy (10pt) - Kill 25 Injured Umbaran Soldiers during Crisis on Umbara
  • Overkill (achievement) (50pt) - Kill the Temple Guardian in the Traitor Among the Chiss


  • Makin' Bacon ( ) (50pt) - Defeat 1000 Ugnaughts with Lava 2


  • ...Who's Scruffy Looking? (10pt): Collect 3 Nerf Calves
    • Arctic Nerf Calf - Found Nerf Calf on Hoth
    • Hill Nerf Calf - Found Nerf Calf on Alderaan
    • Nightmare Nerf Calf - Found Nerf Calf on Voss

Exploration - Data Mining (25pt):

  • Battledroid R4-GL - Nar Shadaa: Network Security District - World Boss
  • Beharen Security Droid - Corellia: Labor Valley: Biochemical Industrial District - Weak
  • Berserk Czerka Droid - Tatooine: The Dune Sea: Czerka Archeological Site
  • Damaged Scanner Droid - Corellia: Labor Valley: Biochemical Industrial District - Weak
  • Damaged Security Droid - Corellia: Labor Valley: Biochemical Industrial District - Strong
  • Data Core - VM Terror from Beyond
  • EN-4C - VM Cademimu
  • HyperMatter Sentinel Droid - The Black Hole: Refinery District - Elite
  • Mentor - SM Directive 7
  • Operator IX - SM Terror from Beyond
  • Renegade Astromech Droid - Nar Shadaa: Network Security District: Grid Databanks - Weak
  • Renegade Security Droid - Nar Shadaa: Network Security District: Grid Databanks - Weak
  • Ulgo Defense Droid - Alderaan: Kaamos Territory: Ulgo Droid Factory Grounds - Strong

Rishi Datacrons (210pt):

  • A Breck House (20pt) - Kill Breck the Grophet
  • The Last Straugh (5pt) - Kill Straugh the Grophet
  • Where's Wudd (10pt) - Kill Wudd the Grophet
  • Three Not So Little Grophets (50pt) - Kill the 3 Lost Grophets
  • Smell of the Sea (50pt) - Find the Bottle of Pheromones
  • X Marks the Spot (50pt) - Investigate the Anchored Rock with the Neural Location buff active
  • Rishi Datacron Master (25pt) - Found the 4 Datacrons on Rishi

Rishi Class Stories (80pt):

  • Deep Contact (10pt) - Finish Rishi Class story on Inquisitor
  • Eclipsed (10pt) - Finish Rishi Class story on Trooper
  • A Final Lesson (10pt) - Finish Rishi Class story on Knight
  • The Hidden Hand (10pt) - Finish Rishi Class story on Warrior
  • Keeper's Keeper (10pt) - Finish Rishi Class story on Agent
  • A Legacy of Knowledge (10pt) - Finish Rishi Class story on Consular
  • Syndicate Buster (10pt) - Finish Rishi Class story on Hunter
  • Thorne's Haven (10pt) - Finish Rishi Class story on Smuggler

Yavin IV:

  • Censure the Commandant (50pt) - Kill Commandant Jenarian
  • Yavin IV World Boss - Ancient Threat (245pt):
  • Ancient Threat No More (50pt) - Kill the Ancient Threat
  • Dark Side Magician (5pt) - Find Naga Sadow's Ghost
  • The Dashade's Master (5pt) - Find Tulak Hord's Ghost
  • Marked Spirit (5pt) - Find Marka Ragnos's Ghost
  • Master of the Beyond (50pt) - Kill Ancient Threat and find the Force Ghosts and Talismans
  • Seeker of Forbidden Teachings (5pt) - Find Exar Kun's Ghost
  • Speaker of the Dead (50pt) - Find all four Force Ghosts
  • Talisman Collector (50pt) - Find all five Talismans
  • Talisman of Exar Kun (5pt) - Find Exar Kun's Talisman
  • Talisman of Marka Ragnos (5pt) - Find Marka Ragnos's Talisman
  • Talisman of Naga Sadow (5pt) - Find Naga Sadow's Talisman
  • Talisman of the Unknown (5pt) - Find the Talisman of the Unkown
  • Talisman of Tulak Hord (5pt) - Find Tulak Hord's Talisman

Ziost Story (90pt):

  • Evacuation Protocols: Escape Route (10pt) - Complete the specified side quest
  • Evacuation Protocols: Invasion Defense (10pt) - Complete the specified side mission
  • Evacuation Protocols: Landing Zone (10pt) - Complete the specified side mission
  • Gunned Down Grundorsen (10pt) - Kill Grundorsen Maelo during On the House side mission
  • Free the Minds (5pt) - Save vulnerable citizens during Monolithic
  • I Want to Fly Fast (10pt) - Complete side mission On the House
  • Megalomania (5pt) - Kill 25 Possessed Enemies during Monolithic
  • Not-So-Hidden Stash (10pt) - Complete side mission Hidden Lockbox
  • They Will Survive (10pt) - Complete side mission Searching for Survivors
  • Shut Them Down (5pt) - Shut down turrets during Dead Center
  • Time to Move (5pt) - Save civilians during Dead Center

Ziost Daily (65pt):

  • Destroyed X-124D (5pt) - Destroyed X-124D during [DAILY] Looking for Signs
  • Destroyed X-662J (5pt) - Destroyed X-662J during [DAILY] Looking for Signs
  • Destroyed X-361D (5pt) - Destroyed X-361D during [DAILY] Looking for Signs
  • Destroyed X-R37T (5pt) - Destroyed X-R37T during [DAILY] Looking for Signs
  • Jump the Rock Shark (10pt) - Jump over a Monolith during [DAILY] Dead Pulse
  • Network Outage (25pt) - Destroyed all four Recon Probes during [DAILY] Looking for Signs
  • Ziost Archivist (10pt) - Found all the lore objects on destroyed Ziost


Slot Machines Not Working Swtor Quest

  • Catch a Ride (0pt) - Ride the speeder around your Strongholds 25 times

Star Fortress (35pt):

  • A Shrouded Vigil (25pt) - Find MCR-X droid with your macrobinoculars in a Star Fortress
  • Both Feet on the Ground (5pt) - Avoided the final blow of an Exarch’s Impaling Strikes
  • When You Play With Fire.... (5pt) - Defeated an Exarch with radiation from the reactor.
Slot machines not working swtor fallenSlot Machines Not Working Swtor

1 Probably Unobtainable but I enjoy it too much to take it off the list (Let me know if you find otherwise)

2 I'm not sure if this achievement still exists; there's no missing points in Operations, and the database says it has no categories (so where would it even be in the legacy menu?). I first heard of this achievement via Dulfy on Reddit, then confirmed it with TOR Community and Jedipedia. If you have this achievement, share a screenshot so the world can bask in your glory.

Patches[edit | edit source]

Slot Machines Not Working Swtor Classic

  • Patch 2.0.0 (9 Apr 2013): Added.

Slot Machines Not Working Swtor Item

External links[edit | edit source]

Emperor Slot Machine Swtor

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